The data on this page is populated daily by 7 a.m. beginning 15 days prior to Election Day.

* The Ballots Returned data is reliant on Secretary of State data pushes, which vary. The page is updated daily from the prior day returns daily at 7 a.m. Beginning on Election Day at noon, page is updated every three hours from the SOS data. Thus, please keep in mind that on Election Night, ballot returns data has a several hour lag. Additionally, ballot returns include every ballot received, thus that figure will always be higher than what we ultimately count (e.g., not all voters cure their ballot, but their ballot will still be included in the returns data).

The figures include all mail ballots returned and all in-person ballots voted through the date listed. The cumulative total for the day is displayed in the calendar day. Below the calendar, returns are shown by city or by party. Use the buttons to switch between city and party returns.

Download ballot return data

175,103 175k
187,354 187k
210,189 210k
- -
- -
- -
- -
Boulder 53,170 53k 56,860 56k 63,746 63k - - - - - - - -
Erie 7,006 7k 7,516 7k 8,428 8k - - - - - - - -
Jamestown 187 187 203 203 222 222 - - - - - - - -
Lafayette 16,373 16k 17,389 17k 19,456 19k - - - - - - - -
Longmont 46,353 46k 49,996 49k 57,624 57k - - - - - - - -
Louisville 13,025 13k 13,822 13k 14,971 14k - - - - - - - -
Lyons 1,376 1k 1,440 1k 1,615 1k - - - - - - - -
Nederland 817 817 922 922 1,094 1k - - - - - - - -
Superior 6,964 6k 7,540 7k 8,371 8k - - - - - - - -
Ward 61 61 79 79 103 103 - - - - - - - -
Unincorp. 29,771 29k 31,587 31k 34,559 34k - - - - - - - -

* Note that the active registered voters count reflected above does include a small percentage of voters who are under 18 at present. Colorado law allows residents to register to vote as young as 16. Only active voters who are age 18 on or before Election Day will be mailed a ballot or able to vote.

To calculate voter turnout, excluding pre-registrants, or turnout by city or by party, review the return information provided here and compare using our Active Voter Registration Counts tool selecting voters 18 and older.